Monday, December 29, 2008

Happy Birthday

Originally uploaded by ohsoretro
So another year is winding down & that means it's time to do the annual year in review meme... although to be honest I don't think this will be the most interesting year to review seeing as how I can't really remember anything that happened. :)

2008 Year In Review

1. What did you do in 2008 that you'd never done before?
Ate tomatoes. (told you it wasn't an exciting year...) Got a cat. Had a real grown up dinner party. Saved money.

2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
Most of them, except giving up caffeine. I gave up giving up caffeine though. I did challenge my agoraphobia and was finally able to eat in restaurants, lost weight and maintained a healthier diet and spent less time online. I didn't get my teeth fixed. I wanted to save enough money for a new kitchen table set too and I did but won't be buying it until we move in the spring.

2009 resolutions are to not buy anything until I need it (clothing, supplies, food, etc), to read more, to stop using emoticons (seriously) and to get my drivers license. And to get my teeth fixed. I'm not holding my breath on that one though.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
My cousin had a baby boy. Ryan and Odessa had a baby boy. Laura and Ben and Robb and Kirsten are expecting in the spring. I got a cat, which is close enough for me.

4. Did anyone close to you die?
It was a good death free year.

5. What countries did you visit?

6. What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008?
A nicer place to live with Randy, with a dishwasher and balcony. More time with friends.

7. What date from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
Probably the day the townhouse caught fire.

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Hitting 1000 sales on Etsy.

9. What was your biggest failure?
Had to borrow money from my parents one month to pay the rent.

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Had a wicked flu in the spring, lost 15 lbs which kick started my new health consciousness. Salad is my friend.

11. What was the best thing you bought?
Hmm... I don't think I made any large purchases this year.

12. Whose behaviour merited celebration?
Randy did really well at his co-op job and was asked to be a full time staff member next spring when he graduated. My brother took a vacation by himself to deal with his agoraphobia. My parents are finally happy in thier new house. I wasn't lazy.

13. Whose behaviour made you appalled and depressed?
Same answer as the last 8 yrs, George Bush.

14. Where did most of your money go?
Rent, cat food, interfacing

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?

16. What songs will always remind you of 2008?
future of the left - the lord hates a coward
fleet foxes - blue ridge mountains
marnie stern - the package is wrapped

17. Compared to this time last year, are you:

i. Happier or sadder? happier
ii. Thinner or fatter? thinner
iii. richer or poorer? richer

18. What do you wish you'd done more of?
Hanging out with friends, going out.

19. What do you wish you'd done less of?
Playing Packrat.

20. How will you be spending Christmas?
With a lot of food.

21. Who did you spend the most time on the phone with?
My mom.

22. Did you fall in love in 2008?
5 yr anniversary in June 08 <3

23. How many one-night stands?

24. What was your favourite TV program?
Nancy Grace haha. I'm addicted to that shit.

25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
Hate is weak.

26. What was the best book you read?
Pride & Predjudice

27. What was your greatest musical discovery?
Future of the Left

28. What did you want and get?
A cat to keep away the mice.

29. What was your favourite film of this year?
Probably Step Brothers. No Country for Old Men, Religulous and Kung Fu Panda were good too.

31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I was 30 and I had a lovely dinner with my fiance to celebrate my oldness.

32. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008?
It involved a lot of dresses and tights in the summer and jumpers and turtlenecks in the winter.

33. What kept you sane?
Wine. Books. Mr Boots.

34. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
I had Obama fever. Also had a crush on Craig Ferguson.

35. What political issue stirred you the most?
The Canadian and the US elections.

36. Who did you miss?
I would have liked to have spent more time with my friends but otherwise I was ok this year.

37. Who was the best new person you met?

38. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2008:
Drama breeds drama. Mind your own business and let others mind theirs. Quiet is good.

39. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
I pull back a bow towards the crowds.
I cannot stop even if it is allowed.
I spell your name out in the sand are you proud?
The arrow arches and it comes pouring down

There are dimensions I must enter to see what I am made of.
There are dimensions I must enter to see what I am made of.
The sea, these things I see, blow through.
What's right, this thing I fight, is good

Is there no way out of my mind?
I see beautiful and shimmering signs.
The Celtic Knights are calling me from behind.
You rearrange your mind, you rearrange your mind
Marnie Stern - The Package is Wrapped

Friday, December 12, 2008

Bread for Everybody!

Since it's so cold and snowy out I've been in the mood to bake. Yesterday we made an amazing lemon pound cake for my birthday (yum) and today I'm going to whip up a batch of whole wheat honey bread to have for breakfast tomorrow morning with my boyfriend who is staying over this weekend.

Here's my 2 favourite Wholewheat Honey recipes - the bread is delicious when cut into thick slices and toasted, then slathered with warm butter and peanut butter. For reference I make my dough in a bread machine on the dough setting, then remove it and proceed as a regular dough but you can alter the recipe to either bake in a bread machine or to be made entirely by hand.

100% Whole Wheat Honey Bread

1 1/4C Water
2 tbsp. shortening (I use margarine)
1 tbsp. honey
1 tbsp. molasses
1 tsp. salt
3 1/4C Whole wheat flour
1 1/4 tsp. yeast

1) measure ingredients into the baking pan in the proper order (water, shortening, honey, molasses, salt, flour, yeast)
2) select dough setting (the 2 hour setting, 1 hour mix 1 hour rise)
3) when dough is complete remove from pan onto lightly floured surface, punch down and kneed several times.
4) shape dough and place in glass bread pan
5) cover and let rise for 2 hours in a warm spot (I use the oven)
6) preheat oven to 350, bake for 25-30 minutes or until golden brown.

Honey Wheat Sandwich Rolls

1 1/4 C warm milk
1 egg, beaten
2 tbsp. butter, softened
1/4 C honey
3/4 tsp. salt
2 3/4 C white (bread) flour
1 C whole wheat flour
1 1/4 tsp yeast
topping: 2 tbsp melted butter or olive oil

1) measure ingredients into the baking pan in the proper order (milk, egg, butter, honey, salt, flours, yeast)
2) select dough setting (the 2 hour setting, 1 hour mix 1 hour rise)
3) when dough is complete remove from pan onto lightly floured surface and roll out to 3/4" thick.
4) Cut out rolls with a 3" or 4" biscuit cutter (or glass dipped in flour) and place on a lightly greased cookie sheet. Cover and let rise for 1 hour.
5) Bake in a preheated oven at 350 degrees for 10 to 15 minutes.
6) When rolls are finished baking brush with melted butter or olive oil.
