Thursday, April 01, 2010

Spring Cleaning

I have fallen sadly behind on the shop front scene. I really got thrown off by our move (which was in Decemeber and is no longer a valid excuse!!) and I think now would be a great time to do an Oh So Retro overhaul. There's so much that I need to do, clean, organize, revamp, etc that I usually just put it off because it's so overwhelming. I only had 1 sale in March and that was for a $2.00 fabric destash so I know I need to pull up my socks now or else my business is going to be sunk. It's like starting over from scratch almost.

I didn't want to admit it but I had lost the passion for sewing/selling/everything. The thought of sitting down to work almost felt like torture to me and I did anything I could to avoid it. Everyone close to me has expressed concern about it, Randy because I wasn't working or making money, my mom because I appeared depressed. When friends would ask me how my work was going I'd say it was slow because it was easier to blame Etsy than admit that I'd given up. I can't compete, I'd say. It's too hard. There's too much. (Followed by: I'm overwhelmed. I'm going to bed.)

Slowly though I've been getting back into it. I started a new ideas binder that I've been saving fashion pictures in, which is fun and reminds me of being a teenager. I've got a whole line of patterns planned out and my first one completed. I've got some new supplies to inspire me, some new headbands and totes to make and maybe I'll do a couple skirts this summer too. Just for me.

It's hard work and a big commitment to make but I'm ready to get back into the long days and longer nights of being a one woman sewing empire. I need a little help & motivation though in the form of a public to do list.

The Great Oh So Retro Accessories Revival of Spring 2010

- Create new logo & Etsy banner
- Customize blog with new logo, colours, etc
- Re-do website with new designs
- Incorporate shopping cart into website (or look into big cartel?)
- Create and list at least 1 new pattern per month
- Sell off old stock
- Photograph and list all completed items in storage
- Destash excess fabric and supplies
- Relaunch monthly mailing list
- Create a Facebook fan page
- Sew every day, even if just for an hour

I'll probably have more things to add to this list as I think of them. There's nothing that motivates me more than crossing off an item on my to-do list so hopefully this list will be the little push I need to get back to work.

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